Friday, 24 January 2014

The Friday Edition: Goodbye

Till we meet again it was written
with thought it was done
a promise or a saying
we never know which one

Its not easy to say goodbye
when so many memories conflict with time
the albums of days and years forever frozen and inked combined.

Its not easy to say goodbye
when days are so long on printed paper
the big blocks a reminder of the days and nights to come.

Its not easy to say goodbye
when flowers from the ground grows and with grass it spreads
a stone the memory of what once was in silence to remain.

Its never easy to say goodbye
but there is always hope of views in the future
when time allows us or simply to remember
 in a prayer

Till we meet again it was written
with thought it was done
a promise or a saying
we never know which one.

To never forget
Always remember
We are only borrowed to each other
make it count

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