Saturday 4 May 2013

The morning in a mug

It is early and I am awake. I already had that warm cup of coffee but unlike yesterday I feel unable to even drag myself out of bed. Its one of those let me sleep mornings but don't we all want that some or other time. It isnt exactly a warm sunday, no its cold and to top it off I am sitting with that little pest called flu. So I gathered a few thoughts of what to do...
Help by sleeping it gone: Yeah right why dont you just try and make me more lazy so that on monday morning I simply decide Im not writing today.

Get dosed on drugs: Cool for some, not cool for everyone, when I am sick I normaly revert back to the first one so I pay good attention on what makes me drowsy or unable to operate heavy machinery, whatever they trying to say.

Eat soup: Not any soup no, specifically chicken noodle soup like in the movies, what are they trying to prove that everyone loves chicken noodle soup when they are sick.

Eat yoursf to health: One advantige of being sick is you can treat yourself to anything,  jello, custard, chocolate, chips, ice cream etc etc.Naughty and healty at that moment.

So whatever helps you feel better when a flu comes along try and be happy that you have the chance to rest and even feed properly for the first time in your life. For those who cant afford to take off work, pop a pill and sleep quietly in the background.

Well let me get up.

Enjoy the day!

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