Thursday 16 May 2013

Cat vs. Fish

 Hamlet and Sylvester, our boys.
You are no easy going companion, sometimes you want nothing to do with me.

 What do you do, you ignore me completely then I am not supposed to get angry at you. Your tantrums alone is enough, I am fed up with it, I can take no more, please I beg of you go and take all that anger and frustration out somewhere else than here.

 You do things your way, forget about how I feel or what I want it is simply who you are and when you were small I never thought of that, teaching you to consider others, have I failed as a father? You laze around all day following the sun and at night you are awake when I want to sleep, who are you and what have you done with my original?

Yes I complain about you, I am as guilty as can be but my points are valid, I mean who baths so late at night when you could have done it earlier? You are after me, every night your method is the same, you are tired from lazing outside and chasing creatures that has done nothing to hurt you, when the food comes so do you. Chicken night is always the worst, like the fish you smile and stare at me just waiting for your portion. I have never given you some of my food, so why do you even try? I can't even eat gum without you wanting to take it from me, honestly you are weird, is that thanks to me?

But after all of this, unlike my friend the fish, when I am cold you will always be there, when I am upset or down, there you are. In the morning when I wake up I need you and my coffee to get me through the day. So next time I step on your tail just know that I am sorry because I can't tell you so.

 And if others want to teach you new tricks like licking ice cream or teasing you I can't always help but my cat, my thoughts are with you.

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