Tuesday 14 May 2013

Thanks Chicken

Is this it? Could this be? I hear many people refer to the Holy Cow on a daily basis and it got me thinking, is the holy cow something that I have been missing over the years? Does these words have some higher meaning, some greater purpose. brings good luck and fortune to all who uses it's name?

The reason why I am thinking this way is because I use the words Holy Chicken and I am not a 100% sure but if these words have a higher meaning, a greater purpose attached to them I wonder who would win, the chicken or the cow?

What about people who uses other great words like holy frog, or holy mouse, even holy macaroni.  Macaroni? Surely that must be better than a cow, a chicken and a frog?? What does holy macaroni look like, has anyone actually seen a light shining from the sky, bells ringing and from the shadows comes the holy macaroni. 

I am troubled after all this thinking.

Today I felt like taking a phrase and really look at it from a silly and weird perspective but If I can share a secret with you, there is no such thing as a holy cow or all the rest in my life.
 Now act very surprised when I say, my holy chicken wakes me every morning with the screams of our cat ringing in my ears, for it wants FOOD and then the damn chicken starts laughing as I sit up in bed knowing that it is time to get up.

Thanks Chicken, my freaking holy chicken!


  1. Pastafarianism: The (satirical) belief that God is truly a Flying Spaghetti Monster in space. As far as I know, there is no faith for cows or chicken specifically. Pasta>livestock

  2. Holy sh*t J.R you just might be on to something :)
