Wednesday 24 April 2013

Muffin Fail

After the cakes and all the sweet stuff we did not stop there, why? Because now we had all the ingredients to bake some cupcakes, so I ended up modifying the recipe just a little to fit in that all important ingredient Chocolate.

At first I tried using a chocolate cupcake recipe and added my special ingredient. One thing that I am not is a professional baker since my thought of simply adding chocolate failed. We did enjoy the flops with that Aero Minty taste in between.

 I was not about to give up on designing my own creation, The Aero Cupcake.
So I found this very easy, hassle free recipe.
 Made it, baked it and it turned out AWESOME (Pat on the back)

So my final touch in creating my own version:
1.Take some Cream, pour it into a sauce pan and bring to the boil over medium heat. Once it boils take it off the heat and add chocolate. (Add Chocolate keeping in mind your servings, so the more cupcakes more cream and chocolate unless you want to grab some for later.)
2.Allow the chocolate to melt slightly and then stir until glossy and smooth.
3.Set aside to cool (It will eventually set to a spreadable consistency.)
But if you are in a hurry and don't mind getting your hands dirty pour a bit over each cupcake and wait for it to set. When they are done you will find they are quite sticky and moist as the poured on chocolate would have made its way inside leaving a chocolaty sauce on the inside.
Handle with care as they can be fragile.

 So the second time round we had our Aero Cupcakes and oh boy, oh boy...

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