Tuesday 30 April 2013

And Action...

A stage production is filled with scenes of laughter, drama, suspense and various emotions. It brings from within feelings we have all experienced at one stage or another and the best of these stays with us for months and years to come. We all play a part in our own production, a story flung together, intertwined by events which sometimes can leave us with no plot, a story in which your character  does not understand what had just happened or why, trying to solve a mystery with no or little clues.

Behind the scenes as said before our mind is trying to make sense of each situation and can sometimes go overboard stretching out the story, transforming characters from good to evil,  breaking each segment, dissolving its true meaning and purpose. Soon you are left questioning yourself if non fiction is actually fiction and whether your characters are indeed truthful in their ways.

Yet you are the one holding the pen writing the script word for word.

The realization I came up with in my script is to give my characters time to evolve, to allow them to grow before I make changes to the script or alter it's meaning. Not everything is black and white and meant to be understood until the curtain falls. We can't judge them or show that we do not support there intentions just because of where the character came from, each of them is unique and deserves that place or second chance without a doubt.

As we tell our story to others we learn, we learn what would happen and how we would feel if the ending came in a specific way, but the truth is today and tomorrow there will be no ending, not until the Fat lady does sing announcing that the show is over for you. Before that happens we must be willing to break a few legs and enjoy the show. No tale comes without ups and downs, it's what we do with them that matters.

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