Wednesday 8 May 2013

Doors and Keys

We were so stupid back then. Can you remember?  Now we find ourselves back here, back in this creaky run down house in the middle of the forest where it all started. When we found it we just had to open it to see what was inside, the warning on the wooden box clearly did not stop us. As we opened it, all expecting the priceless gems or coins of gold just waiting for us. Instead we discovered a key, a key that could fit into each closed door in the house. Some doors were white, others were yellow, doors like a rainbow spread out far and wide.
We opened the first of the doors discovering a messy bed made out of wood and a red cape thrown over the chair. As the room revealed nothing exciting we walked towards another door and without hesitation unlocked it. Expecting more we were disappointed to find just a spinning wheel in the middle of the room so we left and sighed looking at each other

 As we reached our third door a faint whisper came from the  unlocked door where we started, it was clear that someone was trying to conceal their voice, it was calling for us. A few ignored it and ran to help. As the key turned on the next door a loud thump sounded from the second room like someone falling on the floor with the noise of the spinning wheel repeating itself over and over.  We heard a soft call for help but some of us ignored it, we wanted to see more, as much as we could. Opening our third door we finally found something, an old woman walking around with a basket of apples. She approached and offered us some with a tempting voice and attitude, many took and stayed behind while the rest of us carried on.

The fourth door led us to a wooden box, the warning on it did not bother us, we just had to see what was inside. Expecting to find gems and gold all we discovered was another key and looking around us more doors, each one a different color. We were so stupid back then. Can you remember? We opened ourselves up to danger and lost a few, a prick on a finger turned into obsession with the outside, and the old woman lured us to her with the taste of sweet poisoned apples. Now we have another key, another chance to open some doors, maybe one of them will lead us out of here, climbing hair of gold to safety, a dragon to cleanse this house.

This is no fairy tale but we often think of it as one, we open one door to see what is inside and before we notice we had opened another. One door always leads to another. Whether it takes you to an evil wolf or pretty princess, even an old woman with hidden intentions, rather try and choose your own story and not someone else s. Never follow the crowd, be your own writer, yourself.  


  1. Thank you, loved it. A brilliant interviewing of stories and suspense with a great ending

  2. Hello! I really enjoyed this. You're a very talented writer. I love visiting your blog, and for this reason I have nominated you for the Sunshine Award! For all the details please visit my blog.
